Hole 1

Par 5, 478 metres
This is a good hole to start off with, an open par 5 with a wide fairway winding through mounds and across a small meandering stream at the second shot; ending in a small tightly bunkered green that sits amongst three connection lakes.
The stream will cause some decisions for golfers who have hit a poor tee shot but there is still a chance left to make a par on this pleasant opening hole.

Hole 2

Par 4, 382 metres
Crossing the bridge and passing the palm surrounded lakes of the first green, brings you to the second tees . Here the longer hitters will be tested more severely than the average club player as they confront a necklake of bunkers awaiting a stray tee shot. A medium iron shot is the reward for accuracy, played to a small green guarded by a single pot bunkers at the front.

Hole 3

Par 3, 171 metres
This one shotter is a pretty picture indeed. Medium in length the hazard and the beauty come in the form of a long lake stretching from the tees to the green, covered in flowering waterlilies. Play away from the lake too much and the shot will land in the green side bunker. Accuracy pays on this, the first par 3

Hole 4

Par 4, 334 metres
The tees are located beside an attractive little pond as the players contemplate a tee shot to a wide fairway which necks between bunkers and stream for the long hitters. A medium iron is played to a small green flanked by pot bunkers and mounds. It is important to make a good tee shot to set up the second to this pleasant little par 4.

Hole 5

Par 5, 477 metres
A strong par 5 hole which demand care to be taken to achieve length whilst avoiding the series of lakes along the left side of the fairway.
The fairway is a mass gentle undulations into which pot bunkers are placed at strategic places. Palms create a strong silhoutte and finish to the green. Definitely a hole to beware of when caution is preferable to brute strength. A very hard to birdie.

Hole 6

Par 3, 165 metres
The tee shot needs to be correctly clubbed and struck if the bunkers and the hollows guarding the long green are to be succesfully negotiated.
A difficult birdie chance but a very pretty hole to play

Hole 7

Par 4, 405 metres
Not only attractive but a very demanding par 4 requiring a daring tee shot staying close to the lake at the left to set up the shortest shot to the green. Swaying grasses and groundcovers hug the mounds and rough adding further interest to the hole. All the hazards are between the golfer and the target with the lure of open space awaiting the more cautious player to the right side. A good hole to escape with a part.

Hole 8

Par 4, 378 metres
Another strong par 4 but less awesome than the 7th. Although there is a water to the left it is a long way left and forms a pretty picture rather than a testing hazard.
A series of mounds cross the front of the fairway around the shot length from the championship tee, inviting the golfer to 'let out the spot' and get past them.

Hole 9

Par 4, 331 metres
Back to the clubhouse with a medium length 2 shotter. However the player needs to consider the tee shot with care as a series of bunkers and mounds await a mishit or poorly directed shot.
Successfully negotiated large green awaits before the clubhouse where the emphasis will be putting on the gentle undulating surface. This is a good arena for a finishing hole.

Hole 10

Par 4, 358 metres
Another opening hole which was a wide, inviting fairway and danger only to the long hitters who stray to the right where they will find bunkers. For the majority a medium length second shot will find the vicinity of a large green guarded by only one single pot.
Although water flanks most of this hole it is to the left and away from the line of play and with its covering of aquatic plants exists only as a practical decoration to a straight forward par 4.

Hole 11

Par 3, 157 metres
The water this time is closer to the tees than to the target. A medium length one shotter, the tee shot requires to be properly clubbed and bravely played if a birdie is sought. A difficult par 3 and attesting putting surface, getting harder as the game draws to a close. To miss this green is to invite an almost certain bogey.

Hole 12

Par 4, 354 metres
This hole is a strong par 4. Although there is water to the right, it is a long way left and form a pretty picture rather than a testing hazard.
A series of mounds cross the front of the fairway around the shot length from the championship tee, inviting the golfer to let out the shaft and get past them. If this can be realised, the second to a well bunkered green is greatly simplified and a par 4 a strong possibility.

Hole 13

Par 4, 410 metres
A strong par 4 with problems off the tees for all but the shorter hitters. To reach the green these mounds and hazards which litter the tee shot landing area will have to be negotiated carefully.
Pass them safely and the long second is played to an angled green set among palm, open at the front but guarded at the side both front and back. A very good hole to par and really tough to birdie.

Hole 14

Par 5, 517 metres
A long three shotter which will require terrific accuracy and length to achieve in two shots. Potted with bunkers and mounds covered with ground covers and grasses, the target seems clusive away in the distance. The main problem is for those who stray from the fairway and find these bunkers. Invariably their journey will find them going from bad to worse as the fairway wind it's tortous way to the target. A good hole to par - impossible to birdie!

Hole 15

Par 4, 340 metres
A shortish par 4, slightly dog legged to the left side and played to a long and narrow green. The secret is to play as close to the bunkers as prudence permits.
This set up the second to an open fronted green bunkered only at the left by a deep pot. The green runs away to the right to a deep hollow making this little target essential to hit if a par is to be gained.
A good birdie change to the bold and fine hole to be given a result in a closely fought match.

Hole 16

Par 4, 364 metres
A longer par 4, wide open from the tee except to the champion or long hitter who will require to be straight or sorry. plateau green is flanked by a deep hollow to the left and guarded by two pot bunkers at the front and right side almost surrounding the green. And there good hole to par.

Hole 17

Par 3, 190 metres
A medium length one shotter, the tee shot requires to be properly clubbed and bravely played if a birdie is sought. A difficult par 3 and attesting putting surface. But try used long club this hole.

Hole 18

Par 5, 500 metres
With the driving range forming a huge water hazard at the left side the temptation to play to the right is irresistible. It is here where the bunkers lie in wait. The last hole is a tough one demanding not only accuracy but length if the little stream before the green is to be cleared to set up the birdie chance. For ordinary mortals the hole is generous enough but a par will be hard to achieve and a birdie will come to the brave and talented. A lovely finish to a grand round.